Amber Emson
Amber Emson won first prizes both at the International Music Competition Hohenpriesnitz and at Germany’s Jugend Musiziert competition. She has been invited for chamber and solo performances at such major halls as the Berliner Philharmonie and Wigmore Hall. An avid chamber musician, Emson took part in Mit Musik—Miteinander at the Kronberg Academy and in many other festivals and programs. She was also a member of LGT Young Soloists, with whom she appeared playing Phillip Glass’s Echorus on their most recent album.
Taught early on by Margaret Norris and Natasha Boyarsky, Emson studied at Chetham’s School of Music and then the Royal College of Music (RCM) Junior Department as a student of Maciej Rakowski. She now studies with So-Ock Kim at RCM, as well as Baroque violin with Nicolette Moonen.
Emson also plays viola as member of the Toccata Quartet. Her violin was made
by William Taylor in 1806.