Emerging Performer Programs

De Simone Young Artist Program
Dedicated to nurturing new talent, the Rome Chamber Music Festival invites each year a select number of promising music students under the age of twenty-five from the United States, Europe, and Asia to take part in its De Simone Young Artist Program. American participants were selected through auditions at the Robert McDuffie Center for Strings at Mercer University, and European and Asian participants were selected from video auditions and evaluated by Jacopa Stinchelli and committee, with final approval by Robert McDuffie. This year the Festival welcomes 35 participants to the program.
Access to world-renowned artists and the opportunity to perform alongside them is invaluable to a young musician’s professional growth and aspirations.

Steven Della Rocca Young Professional Program
The Steven Della Rocca Young Professional Program was established by longtime friend and board member Courtenay Hardy in memory of her husband Steven Della Rocca, who was an ardent supporter of education, the arts, and the Festival. The Steven Della Rocca Young Professional Program aims to provide mentoring and employment opportunities to these artists who are beginning their careers and attempting to establish their livelihoods during these challenging times. The Festival is privileged to honor Steve’s legacy by fostering the next generation of great performers. This year, the Festival is pleased to welcome nine talented performers of the Steven Della Rocca Young Professional Program.