Stephanie Kemna



German violinist Stephanie Kemna began playing the violin from age four and studied at the Pre-College of the International Conservatoire Dortmund with Alexander Ostrovski. She completed her undergraduate studies with distinction at the University of Music and Media Hannover with Ulf Schneider and as a scholarship recipient at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama London with Stephanie Gonley. Currently, she pursues her postgraduate studies at University Mozarteum Salzburg with Rainer Schmidt. As a passionate chamber musician, Stephanie plays in various ensembles and has recently performed at Krzysztof Penderecki Festival Warsaw, Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Heidelberger Frühling, Davos Festival and Moritzburg Festival.
Stephanie is kindly being supported by the Dr.Gerald Heine Stiftung and the Kathleen Trust London and she plays on a violin by Enrico Marchetti, generously on loan from the Harrison Frank Foundation.

Fondazione Rome Chamber Music Festival
Via Vittorio Veneto 108
00187 Roma – Italia

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